Enjoy Red Light Method’s Express Power Plate Class, suitable for all levels, and available at all locations.
The Express Power Plate whole body vibration session is conveniently scheduled immediately after your Red Light Therapy Body Contouring Treatment; and is guaranteed and scientifically proven to deliver amazing results. The clinical trials on our FDA-Cleared Class 2 Medical Device we use for our treatments (is the only FDA-Cleared device in the U.S.) were proven to cause circumferential reduction aka “body contouring,” with just a 25-minute light treatment, and 10 minutes of whole body vibration. Clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of our Method. Maximize the benefits of your Red Light Therapy Treatment by following it with the Red Light Method’s Express Power Plate Class to stimulate lymphatic drainage, and tone and strengthen your body thus greatly enhancing your red light treatment results. The Express Power Plate Experience at Red Light Method caters to all fitness levels, allowing you to challenge yourself or modify the whole-body vibration exercises to suit your comfort and fitness level. The Power Plate Triples the amount of muscle fibers activated; so a 15-minute Power Plate class is equal to a 45-minute workout.
The Power Plate is used in Physical Therapy clinics and has unbounded healing benefits. The Power Plate is also used in the NFL, and is an amazing fitness training aid. No matter your fitness level, you can achieve improved wellness with Red Light Method’s Express Power Plate Experience.
Burn More Fat Faster
Get Tighter Skin
Build Strength
Improve Circulation
Strengthen Your Core
Engage more Muscles
Get Flexible
Build Bones
The body’s reflexes cause the nervous system to rapidly respond and stimulate the following systems:



