FAQs | Red Light Method


Essentially all parts of the body where subcutaneous deposits of fat can be found may be treated with Contour Light, especially those resistant to diet and exercise.

Liposuction is an invasive procedure involving the mechanical removal of fat cells. By contrast, Contour Light is completely non-invasive and only affects fat cells temporarily. Contour Light does not compete with liposuction; it is simply a body shaping option available to clients who do not wish to undergo a potentially dangerous surgical procedure.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that clients undergoing Contour Light have noticed an improvement in skin tone and texture.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that clients undergoing Contour Light have noticed an improvement in the appearance of cellulite.
There are zero side effects. The treatment is painless and normal activities can be resumed immediately.
Contour Light does not destroy fat cells but empties them of their contents which means that fat cells are capable of restoring fat should the client have a chronic caloric imbalance. A balanced diet is the only way to ensure long- term improvement. Clients who eat more calories than they burn will see their improvement decrease over time.

Normal weight requires at least 8 to 12 sessions each month plus Pilates and Power Plate at Red Light Method. Overweight requires 12+ treatments a month in addition to a healthy diet and regular exercise with our Power Plate and Pilates sessions.. The ideal regimen is 8-12 monthly session of red-light therapy body sculpting and Pilates and Power Plate at Red Light Method. We recommend continuous use to maintain the plethora of health benefits.

Yes, additional treatments will lead to improved results. We encourage all members to make Red Light Method a regular part of their healthy lifestyle and come at least 2-3 times each week.

There are three main reasons why alcohol should be avoided or greatly minimized with Contour Light red light therapy body sculpting:

  1. Alcohol is a diuretic and it is critical that the body stays optimally hydrated throughout the treatment program.
  2. Alcohol also contains a lot of calories: a 5-ounce glass of red wine packs 100 calories! This directly conflicts with the recommendations of the program which calls for a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Third and most importantly, alcohol is processed as fat by the liver which directly restricts the body’s ability to process the newly liberated fat from the red light therapy body sculpting session. Once fat cells are liberated by Contour Light, the fat that is not used up as energy to fuel the body’s normal metabolic needs is processed by the liver using enzymes. The total amount of fat being processed at any given time is limited by the number of enzymes produced by the liver. Alcohol is processed as fat by the liver using the same enzymes.

So, when the liver is busy processing alcohol, it is not able to process the fat liberated by Contour Light. Hence more time/treatments are required to achieve results if you do not avoid or minimize alcohol consumption. Depending on your goals, you may choose to reduce alcohol or not.

The most well studied mechanism of action surrounding red and near infrared light therapy is increased mitochondrial energy production in the cells. Mitochondria are tiny organelles that are the energy batteries of all the cells in our body. Red and near infrared light therapy helps the Mitochondria create more of that energy.

The specific photons found in red and near infrared light interact with a photoreceptors within our cells called cytochrome c oxidase. This interaction stimulates the mitochondria in our cells to use oxygen more efficiently, which allows the mitochondria to produce more ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Adenosine triphosphate or ATP is a complex organic chemical that provides energy to drive many processes in living cells, e.g. muscle contraction, nerve impulse propagation, and chemical synthesis. Found in all forms of life, ATP is often referred to as the “molecular unit of currency” of intracellular energy transfer. When our cells have more energy, they simply perform better and the body follows suit!

Below is a link to a 3rd party compilation of over 4000 scientific studies on Photobiomodulation (PBM) / Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT). *This answer comes from mitoredlight.com which is one of the 2-D brands we use at Red Light Method.

Low level laser therapy (LLLT) / photobiomodulation (PBM) / red/NIR phototherapy studies – a comprehensive database*

We encourage everyone to gently exercise at Red Light Method with our Pilates and Power Plate sessions. It is important to move every day; whether you exercise by working in the garden, biking, or walking, we encourage at least 30 minutes of movement each day. Our unlimited membership is ideal for optimal fitness. For strength training or weight training in particular, if you are doing Power Plate and Pilates Sessions at Red Light Method 2-3 days each week minimum, we do not believe you have to lift weights outside of Red Light Method, but we don’t discourage that. 2-3 days of full body weight training each week s ideal and Red Light Method Power Plate and Pilates classes provide this, However, if you wish to cross train with other modalities that of course is encouraged but not required for general health and well being. It is important to not overtrain, and to give your body adequate rest. It is also important to minimize or eliminate sugar and processed foods.

Your visits to Red Light Method are always combined with your red light therapy body sculpting session. We do not have an open studio policy as we are a boutique fitness concept and we want to ensure there is ample room for members during their scheduled body sculpting and Power Plate and Pilates times Visits are always accompanied with a scheduled session time. For your convenience sessions are scheduled several times each hour. You can work out and body sculpt daily at Red Light Method.

You can schedule your first complimentary session on our app or on our website, so plan ahead and book your session. We offer affordable monthly memberships that have a 3-month or 12-month commitment and can be cancelled at depending on your contract with 30-days notice. We do our best to bring you the best value. Our staff are there to keep the facility clean and sanitized and to wrap and unwrap our members from their body sculpting session. Be sure to drink plenty of water and come hydrated. Avoid, makeup, lotions or cremes as they can block the light waves from penetrating your skin. Bring a gym bag, or any sort of tote bag to place your belongings in as you sculpt your body and workout on the gym floor. Be sure to have closed toed shoes, and clothing that covers your mid-drift and torso. We want everyone to be comfortable, so please do not wear overly revealing clothes to Red Light Method. We are a family friendly facility with a strict dress code.

Come about 5 minutes early, one of our staff will greet you One of our staff will help check you in to your private and sanitized red light therapy body sculpting room. Once in your room you will undress to your undergarments, or you can raise your shirt and lift the sleeves to your shoulders so we can place red light wraps under your waist, a top your waist and on your upper arms. You can also wear shorter athletic shorts so you can lift your shorts up, or be in your undergarments as we wrap your thighs with the Contour Light red light therapy body sculpting wraps. A modesty towel will be provided for your privacy and for our staff—so please use it. Members are expected to have under garments on at all times. Last, we will place eye protection goggles or black sunglasses over your eyes and place the face and chest hood over your face and neck area. It is important that you relax and stay still for the 20-25 minute red light therapy treatment and not bend your elbows or move. If you are more restless and want to read your phone we can omit the upper arm wraps and face wrap and just treat your mid section and upper legs, it is 100% your choice.

Contour Light is a light emitting diode (LED) system specifically designed to contour the body by losing inches in circumference off specific body areas (waist, hips, thighs, arms, neck) without any pain, downtime, needles or surgery. Contour Light is composed of 4 extra-large body light pads that are placed directly on the fatty areas that are resistant to diet and exercise, two arm light pads and a face light pad. Contour Light is the only FDA approved body sculpting wrap system on the market.
Results can be seen immediately. Individuals have lost anywhere from two inches to eighteen inches over the course of a series of treatments. Individual results vary.
Clients can expect to feel a gentle, warm sensation. Most individuals meditate, listen to music, a podcast, or audiobook during the 20-25 minute treatment.
Hydration and exercise are critical. Drink plenty of water (ideally at least 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water) spread out throughout the day to flush the fat from the system. Diuretics (coffee, alcohol, etc.) are discouraged. The client should be active and burn 350 calories every day using their choice of exercise.

The Power Plate is optional but encouraged at Red Light Method. Members can opt to skip the vibration plate and move straight into exercise if they’d like. The Power Plate has no contraindications as long as you are medically cleared to jog or run. It has been engineered to activate the body’s natural reflexive response to precision vibration, engaging the muscles in a consistent and controlled manner that results in accelerated training benefits.

The Power Plate will help you:

  • Burn Fat Quicker
  • Tighten Skin
  • Increase Strength
  • Increase Circulation
  • Improve Core Strength
  • Activate More Muscles
  • Improve Flexibility
  • Improve Bone Strength
We will always do our best to help you reschedule amissed or lated cancelled session. Please cancel your session online and email us so we can help you reschedule. We have a 24-hour cancellation policy since there is a limited number of spaces, and a members reservation could have prevented another person from attending Red Light Method. However, we know that things happen and we will do our best to not deduct your missed or late cancelled session. We cannot promise your missed session will not be forfeited, but we will do our best and we expect our members to do their best to cancel early and notify us so we can open the spot up for others.
No, sessions do not roll over from month to month. But email us and we can pause your membership if you are sick or traveling.

We have affordable monthly memberships or single sessions, we suggest that you don’t fret if you don’t use all treatments since once treatment normally costs $100 minimum. Monthly Membership packages contain a certain number of sessions to be used in one month. These packages are discounted rates and require a 3 month commitment or a 12-month commitment. These sessions do not roll over each month.
The other type of package is a single session.

We are not registered dieticians, and we cannot give personalized specific guidelines for your diet, always consult your doctor. But we do encourage a healthy lifestyle and we encourage you to eat lots of veggies, fruit and whole foods. Avoid processed foods and packaged foods with many ingredients, avoid sugar and fried foods, avoid sweetened beverages. We believe if you eat food as God created food to be eaten on the earth you will be extra fruitful in your health and fitness goals. We have lots of videos on our app to guide you towards a path of a healthy lifestyle.